ال صقر - ال أبوإصبع - ال السالم
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عائلة ال صقر - ال أبوإصبع - ال السالم (سلمة - يافا )
الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


  الزوج يعدّد.. والدولة تسدّد! - فرصة جاذبة للعيش هناك والاستمتاع بـ 4 زوجات

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

تاريخ التسجيل : 01/01/1970

 الزوج يعدّد.. والدولة تسدّد! - فرصة جاذبة للعيش هناك والاستمتاع بـ 4 زوجات  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: الزوج يعدّد.. والدولة تسدّد! - فرصة جاذبة للعيش هناك والاستمتاع بـ 4 زوجات     الزوج يعدّد.. والدولة تسدّد! - فرصة جاذبة للعيش هناك والاستمتاع بـ 4 زوجات  I_icon_minitimeالإثنين أبريل 30, 2012 4:44 am

 الزوج يعدّد.. والدولة تسدّد! - فرصة جاذبة للعيش هناك والاستمتاع بـ 4 زوجات  S920092712240

يا لي من طرنقوش، لقد ضيعت الفرصة، لكنت الان استمتع باربعة زوجات كل واحدة من بلد زي الحلاوة ومعهن مصاريفهن الشهرية...

هذه دعوة لمحبي المغامرة... سافر أدرس واعمل وحاول الاستقرار هناك... جرب من يدري ربما تظبط معك... هذا طبعا اذا لم تسوء الاوضاع الاقتصادية اكثر في اوروبا بسبب الازمات الاقتصادية التي تعصف بتلك البلدان الان.


بريطانيا: الزوج يعدّد.. والدولة تسدّد!

 الزوج يعدّد.. والدولة تسدّد! - فرصة جاذبة للعيش هناك والاستمتاع بـ 4 زوجات  465366592568

عروس وعريس وذويهما بعد عقد نكاحهما في بريطانيا

لندن - الرياض
غلام سائق تاكسي يعيش في بلاكبيرن، التي اشتهرت في السابق بصناعة النسيج في لانكشاير، ويمتلك منزلا بجوار المسجد بالإضافة إلى سيارة نيسان ويعيش حياة غاية في التعقيد.
ويعزى ذلك إلى أن لديه عددا كبيرا من الأولاد إلى حد انه يجتهد كثيرا في تذكر أسمائهم، بالإضافة إلى أربع زوجات من اليمن ومصر وتركيا ومن الباكستان موطنه الأصلي.
ويبلغ عمر اصغر زوجات غلام 20 عاما وتدعى حفيظة واستقدمها بعلها من المغرب بعد بلوغه سن الخامسة والأربعين في مطلع هذا العام. وهناك في سافيل تاون يعيش وسيم ، سائق عربة توصيل البيتزا البالغ من العمر 27 عاما،حياة أسرية لا تقل تعقيدا، شأنه في ذلك شأن العديد من الآسيويين ذوي الأصول الباكستانية والهندية. وفي عصمة وسيم ثلاث زوجات وتعيش أولاهم وأولادهما الثلاثة معه، بينما تعيش زوجتاه الأخريين في منزلين مستقلين ويقوم بزيارة نسائه مرة كل يومين على التوالي.
وأنجب وسيم الكثير من الأولاد ويأمل في أن تنجب له عروسه الجديدة البالغة من العمر 19 عاما المزيد. وكانت مسألة تعدد الزوجات قد أثيرت مؤخرا من قبل النائبة البرلمانية البارونة فلاذر المولودة في لاهور عندما حذرت مجلس اللوردات حول كيفية قيام العديد من المهاجرين من الباكستان وشبه القارة الهندية باستغلال نظام الرعاية الاجتماعية من خلال اللجوء للتعدد على حساب دافعي الضرائب البريطانيين.
وتقول البارونة فلاذر موضحة،" يعامل نظام الرعاية الاجتماعية الزوجات على أنهن أمهات عازبات ومن ثم يعتبرهن مؤهلات للحصول على كامل مستحقات العزاب. وعليه فان بإمكان كل الأسر التي يعيلها الرجل نفسه أن تحصل على فوائد نظام الرعاية الاجتماعية الذي يعامل هذه الأسر على أنها لا صلة قرابة بينها."
وعلى الرغم من أن الحكومة تقول إن هناك 1000 أسرة تعددية في المملكة المتحدة، يقول باحثان اجتماعيان احدهما ذو أصول هندية والآخر باكستانية إن العدد يمكن أن يصل إلى حوالي 20 ألف أسرة. وقال الباحثان إن نظام الرعاية الاجتماعية يشجع على التعدد ذلك انه يعامل الزوجة الثانية أو الثالثة أو الرابعة على أنها عازبة ومن ثم تحصل على منزل والعديد من الفوائد المادية لها ولأطفالها. ويعنى هذا أن بإمكان الرجل أن ينتقي زوجة جديدة (من أي مكان بالعالم) وينجب منها العديد من الأطفال دون أن يحمل على عاتقه إصر إعالتهم ورعايتهم والإنفاق عليهم. ولتفادى الخروج على قوانين الزواج المعمول بها في بريطانيا، يعقد المسلمون الآسيويون عقدة النكاح داخل بيوتهم أو في المساجد. وهذه الزيجات غير معترف بها رسميا ولذلك لا تظهر في الإحصاءات الحكومية ولا تتمتع بأي وزن قانوني. كما أنها لا تحصى لدى تقييم مدفوعات الرعاية الاجتماعية.
ويتمثل أسلوب آخر في أن يتزوج الزوجان بطريقة قانونية وفقا للقانون البريطاني ثم يتطلقان ثم يتزوجان وفقا للشريعة الإسلامية . وعندئذ تصبح الزوجة مستحقة لفوائد الرعاية الاجتماعية باعتبارها عازبة . أما الرجل فانه يصبح بإمكانه أن يستقدم امرأة أخرى من الخارج ويتزوجها زواجا قانونيا في بريطانيا.
وكذلك يحتال الرجال على النظام من خلال استقدام العرائس كمربيات لأطفالهم أو كراعيات لأقارب مرضى ، وتحصل العروس على تأشيرة زائر لمدة عام ثم تختفي في مجتمع الآسيويين المحلي المغلق بإحكام ، ومن ثم تحصل على أموال من الرعاية الاجتماعية.
وفي حين أن الرجال دأبوا على التذمر من أن زوجاتهم وأطفالهم يأخذون معظم دخلهم، فان واقع الأزواج المتعددين يؤكد على أنهم كلما أنجبوا المزيد من الأطفال كلما تدفق المزيد من المال في ايدى زوجاتهم وأطفالهم.
ويقول طارق علي البالغ من العمر 45 عاما ومؤسس جمعية خيرية في دارون بلانكشاير،" يقترن الرجال بزوجات من بريطانيا بالإضافة إلى بعض الدول الإسلامية والمكانين الجديدين المفضلين لدى هؤلاء الآن هما تركيا والمغرب حيث يستطيع الرجل قيادة سيارته إلى هناك ويعود مصطحبا عروسه الجديدة."
ويضيف،" ترغب العديد من الفتيات في القدوم إلى بريطانيا اعتقادا منهن ومن ذويهن بأنها ستتمتع بحياة أفضل حتى ولو كانت الواحدة منهن زوجة ثانية أو ثالثة أو رابعة .
 الزوج يعدّد.. والدولة تسدّد! - فرصة جاذبة للعيش هناك والاستمتاع بـ 4 زوجات  45A3D86B5CA79B8673DF61BD0AED9


ما يلي من المقالات التي تلقي الضوء على الظاهرة في بريطانيا...

husbands with more than one wife to get extra income support

Under the government of the time (Labour) this country recognised polygamy and agreed to financially support Muslim immigrants by allowing them to claim benefits for each wife. Again here we have another regulation giving special treatment to one section of the community but not others. Polygamy is illegal in the UK, it is a criminal offence, and yet the Labour government approved extra benefits for Muslim met with multiple wives. Why is this section of the community receiving special treatment?
Husbands living in a “harem” with multiple wives have been cleared to claim state benefits for all their different partners
 الزوج يعدّد.. والدولة تسدّد! - فرصة جاذبة للعيش هناك والاستمتاع بـ 4 زوجات  Wives

A Muslim man with four spouses – which is permitted under Islamic law – could receive £10,000 a year in income support alone. He could also be entitled to more generous housing and council tax benefit, to reflect the fact his household needs a bigger property.
Ministers have decided that, even though bigamy is a crime in Britain, polygamous marriages can be recognised formally by the state – provided they took place overseas, in countries where they are legal. The outcome will chiefly benefit Muslim men with more than one wife.
Ministers estimate that up to a thousand polygamous partnerships exist in Britain, although they admit there is no exact record. Potentially, the benefits bill for income support could reach £10m.
New guidelines on income support from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) state: “Where there is a valid polygamous marriage the claimant and one spouse will be paid the couple rate (£92.80). “The amount payable for each additional spouse is presently £33.65.”
Income support for all of the wives may be paid directly into the husband’s bank account, if the family so choose.
Chris Grayling, the shadow work and pensions secretary, said that the decision was “completely unjustifiable”. He added: “You are not allowed to have multiple marriages in the UK, so to have a situation where the benefits system is treating people in different ways is totally unacceptable and will serve to undermine confidence in the system. “This sets a precedent that will lead to more demands for the culture of other countries to be reflected in UK law and the benefits system.” Mr Grayling also accused the Government of trying to keep the ruling quiet because the topic is so controversial.
Corin Taylor, research director for the Taxpayers’ Alliance, said: “British taxpayers are paying a record amount of tax so the Government has a duty to make sure that every penny is spent properly. Polygamy is not something which British law allows and therefore British taxpayers should not have to pay for extra benefits for second or third wives. If other countries sanction polygamy that is fine but the British taxpayer should not have to fund it.”
Ministers launched a review of the benefit rules for polygamous marriages in November 2006, after it emerged that some families had benefited financially. The review concluded in December last year with agreement that the extra benefits should continue to be paid. But the decision was not publicly announced. Four departments – the Treasury, the DWP, HM Revenue and Customs, and the Home Office – were involved in the review, which concluded that recognising multiple marriages conducted overseas was ‘the best possible’ option. In Britain, bigamy is punishable by up to seven years in prison.
Islamic law permits men to have up to four wives at any one time – known as a harem – provided the husband spends equal amounts of time and money on each of them.
The DWP believes the number of people in polygamous marriages entering Britain has fallen since the 1988 Immigration Act, which makes it harder to bring more than one wife to the UK. But, while a married man cannot obtain a spouse visa to bring a second wife into Britain, some multiple partners may be able to enter the country via other legal routes such as tourist visas, student visas or work permits.
Officials have also identified a potential loophole by which a man can divorce his wife under British law while continuing to live with her as his spouse under Islamic law, and obtain a spouse visa for a foreign woman who he can legally marry.
Immigration rules say entry clearance may not be withheld from a second wife where the husband has divorced his previous wife, and the divorce is thought to be one of convenience. This is so, even if the husband is still living with the previous wife and to issue the entry clearance would lead to the formation of a polygamous household.
Muslim couples are only married in the eyes of the British state if they undergo a register office wedding as well as a Nikah, or religious ceremony.
Muslim groups say it is quite common for men here to undergo more than one Nikah with different wives. This does not count as bigamy since only the first marriage is legally recognised.
A DWP spokesman said: ‘There are fewer than 1,000 polygamous marriages in the UK and only a small percentage of these are claiming social security benefit. “We recently reviewed the rules regarding benefit payments to customers in a polygamous marriage, which conclude that the rules in place since 1987 provide the necessary safeguards to ensure there is no financial advantage for claimants in a valid polygamous marriage.”
From The Daily Mail
Another Blog “Moonbattery” Put’s it this way . . .
Muslim Bigamists Can Collect Welfare Benefits for Multiple Wives in Britain

In Britainistan, there is one set of laws for the hoi polloi, and a separate set for Muslim colonizers. For example, bigamy is a crime in Britain, punishable by up to seven years in prison. Yet Muslim bigamists are allowed to claim extra welfare benefits for their multiple wives.
The only requirement is that the marriages took place in a country where polygamy is legal; i.e., a Muslim country. Welfare cash for all the wives can be funneled directly into the husband’s bank account. Muslim bigamists may also be eligible for additional housing benefits.
Multiple wives means more mouths to feed, and it’s the dhimmi taxpayers’ job to feed them.


Multiple wives will mean multiple benefits

By Jonathan Wynne-Jones

Husbands with multiple wives have been given the go-ahead to claim extra welfare benefits following a year-long Government review, The Sunday Telegraph can reveal.

Have your say: Should multiple wives get recognition from the state?

Even though bigamy is a crime in Britain, the decision by ministers means that polygamous marriages can now be recognised formally by the state, so long as the weddings took place in countries where the arrangement is legal.

The outcome will chiefly benefit Muslim men with more than one wife, as is permitted under Islamic law. Ministers estimate that up to a thousand polygamous partnerships exist in Britain, although they admit there is no exact record.

The decision has been condemned by the Tories, who accused the Government of offering preferential treatment to a particular group, and of setting a precedent that would lead to demands for further changes in British law.

New guidelines on income support from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) state: "Where there is a valid polygamous marriage the claimant and one spouse will be paid the couple rate ... The amount payable for each additional spouse is presently £33.65."

Income support for all of the wives may be paid directly into the husband's bank account, if the family so choose. Under the deal agreed by ministers, a husband with multiple wives may also be eligible for additional housing benefit and council tax benefit to reflect the larger property needed for his family.
The ruling could cost taxpayers millions of pounds. Ministers launched a review of the benefit rules for polygamous marriages in November 2006, after it emerged that some families had benefited financially.
The review concluded in December last year with agreement that the extra benefits should continue to be paid, the Government admitted. The decision was not publicly announced.
Four departments - the Treasury, the DWP, HM Revenue and Customs, and the Home Office - were involved in the review, which concluded that recognising multiple marriages conducted overseas was "the best possible" option. In Britain, bigamy is punishable by up to seven years in prison.
Islamic law permits men to have up to four wives at any one time - known as a harem - provided the husband spends equal amounts of time and money on each of them.
A DWP spokesman claimed that the number of people in polygamous marriages entering Britain had fallen since the 1988 Immigration Act, which "generally prevents a man from bringing a second or subsequent wife with him to this country if another woman is already living as his wife in the UK".
While a married man cannot obtain a spouse visa to bring a second wife into Britain, some multiple partners may be able to enter the country via other legal routes such as tourist visas, student visas or work permits.
In addition, officials have identified a potential loophole by which a man can divorce his wife under British law while continuing to live with her as his spouse under Islamic law, and obtain a spouse visa for a foreign woman who he can legally marry.
"Entry clearance may not be withheld from a second wife where the husband has divorced his previous wife and the divorce is thought to be one of convenience," an immigration rulebook advises. "This is so, even if the husband is still living with the previous wife and to issue the entry clearance would lead to the formation of a polygamous household."
Chris Grayling, the shadow work and pensions secretary, said that the decision was "completely unjustifiable".
"You are not allowed to have multiple marriages in the UK, so to have a situation where the benefits system is treating people in different ways is totally unacceptable and will serve to undermine confidence in the system.
"This sets a precedent that will lead to more demands for the culture of other countries to be reflected in UK law and the benefits system."
Mr Grayling also accused the Government of trying to keep the ruling quiet because the topic is so controversial.


خبر طريف ذو صلة...
قصة رجل متزوج من 39 زوجة... هارون رشيد القرن الواحد والعشرين... شغل نظيف...

The world's biggest family: The man with 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grandchildren

Ziona Chana lives with all of them in a 100-room mansion

His wives take it in turns to share his bed
It takes 30 whole chickens just to make dinner

He is head of the world's biggest family - and says he is 'blessed' to have his 39 wives.

Ziona Chana also has 94 children, 14-daughters-in-law and 33 grandchildren.

They live in a 100-room, four storey house set amidst the hills of Baktwang village in the Indian state of Mizoram, where the wives sleep in giant communal dormitories.
 الزوج يعدّد.. والدولة تسدّد! - فرصة جاذبة للعيش هناك والاستمتاع بـ 4 زوجات  Article-1358654-0D434280000005DC-607_964x553
The full monty: The Ziona family in its entirety with all 181 members

 الزوج يعدّد.. والدولة تسدّد! - فرصة جاذبة للعيش هناك والاستمتاع بـ 4 زوجات  Article-1358654-0D434692000005DC-733_964x557

You treat this place like a hotel: With 100 rooms, the Ziona mansion is the biggest concrete structure in the hilly village of Baktawng in Mizoram, India

Mr Chana told the Sun: 'Today I feel like God's special child. He's given me so many people to look after.

'I consider myself a lucky man to be the husband of 39 women and head of the world's largest family.'
The family is organised with almost military discipline, with the oldest wife Zathiangi organising her fellow partners to perform household chores such as cleaning, washing and preparing meals.
One evening meal can see them pluck 30 chickens, peel 132lb of potatoes and boil up to 220lb of rice.

Coincidentally, Mr Chana is also head of a sect that allows members to take as many wives as he wants.
 الزوج يعدّد.. والدولة تسدّد! - فرصة جاذبة للعيش هناك والاستمتاع بـ 4 زوجات  Article-1358654-0D435B86000005DC-680_964x622

Feeling peckish? The senior ladies of the Chana family show what it takes just to make a meal
 الزوج يعدّد.. والدولة تسدّد! - فرصة جاذبة للعيش هناك والاستمتاع بـ 4 زوجات  Article-1358654-0D434934000005DC-157_964x617

The wives and me: Mr Ziona Chana poses with his 39 wives at their home in Baktawng

He even married ten women in one year, when he was at his most prolific, and enjoys his own double bed while his wives have to make do with communal dormitories.
He keeps the youngest women near to his bedroom with the older members of the family sleeping further away - and there is a rotation system for who visits Mr Chana's bedroom.
Rinkmini, one of Mr Chana's wives who is 35 years old, said: 'We stay around him as he is the most important person in the house. He is the most handsome person in the village.

She says Mr Chana noticed her on a morning walk in the village 18 years ago and wrote her a letter asking for her hand in marriage.
 الزوج يعدّد.. والدولة تسدّد! - فرصة جاذبة للعيش هناك والاستمتاع بـ 4 زوجات  Article-1358654-0D434671000005DC-127_964x559

Shared bedroom: A look inside the four-storey mansion, Chhuanthar Run - The House of the New Generation

Another of his wives, Huntharnghanki, said the entire family gets along well. The family system is reportedly based on 'mutual love and respect'

And Mr Chana, whose religious sect has 4,00 members, says he has not stopped looking for new wives.

'To expand my sect, I am willing to go even to the U.S. to marry,' he said.

One of his sons insisted that Mr Chana, whose grandfather also had many wives, marries the poor women from the village so he can look after them.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
الزوج يعدّد.. والدولة تسدّد! - فرصة جاذبة للعيش هناك والاستمتاع بـ 4 زوجات
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